An autoradiographic map of (3H) diprenorphine binding in rat brain: Effects of social interaction


Author(s): J. Panksepp, Bishop, P.

Journal Title: Brain Research Bulletin

NIFP Rating: 7

(3H)Diprenorphine binding was analyzed autoradiographically in the brains of 33 day old rat pups. A photographic atlas of diprenorphine binding in the coronal plane is provided to highlight the dispersion of opioid receptor systems through the brain. To determine whether brain opioid release may be induced by social interactions, half the animals were sacrificed following a 30 min period of social interaction while the other half were sacrificed following 30 min of social isolation. Opioid binding was higher in isolate-tested animals than socially-tested ones, suggesting that social interaction may promote endogenous brain opioid release. © 1981.

