Children Play-Special Needs

Author(s): Mara Allodi Westling, Tamara Zappaterra

This book is the result of the first two-year work of Working Group 1 of the network “LUDI – Play for children with disabilities”. LUDI is an Action (2014-2018) financed by COST; it is a multidisciplinary network of more than 30 countries and almost 100 researchers and practitioners belonging to the humanistic and technological fields […]

Author(s): Peter K. Smith, Jaipaul L. Roopnarine (Editors)

Play takes up much of the time budget of young children, and many animals, but its importance in development remains contested. This comprehensive collection brings together multidisciplinary and developmental perspectives on the forms and functions of play in animals, children in different societies, and through the lifespan. The Cambridge Handbook of Play covers the evolution […]

Author(s): Jessica Perich Carleton

Introducing drama to the learning experience is guaranteed to enrich a child’s development, and is an especially effective approach for children with special educational needs, including those with autism spectrum disorders. This practical handbook offers teachers an array of simple and easy-to-implement theatrical techniques that will enhance students’ learning and encourage artistic expression. The author […]

Author(s): Fern Sussman, Elaine Weitzman

There are examples of how play can be supported both informally and formally, at home and in children’s settings. As well as theory, there are relevant, practical approaches for play activities, and observations of playing children to help explain the processes. Key questions are asked at times to help those who may be engaged in […]

Book Subjects
