In Einstein Never Used Flashcards highly credentialed child psychologists, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D., and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D., with Diane Eyer, Ph.D., offer a compelling indictment of the growing trend toward accelerated learning. It’s a message that stressed-out parents are craving to hear: Letting tots learn through play is not only...
The Recess Project Changemaker’s Guide – Blueprints for a new way to do recess
The Resources Project works with schools to support meaningful, inclusive opportunities for social connection, mindfulness, creativity, and all kinds of play. Their award-winning, evidence-based Recess Project Changemaker's Guide was designed to disrupt the outdated routines and replace them with healthy, inclusive and compassionate interactions. It is the product of a...
Children at Play: An American History
A chronological history of children's playtime over the last 200 years If you believe the experts, “child’s play”; is serious business. From sociologists to psychologists and from anthropologists to social critics, writers have produced mountains of books about the meaning and importance of play. But what do we know about...
Playing It Up: With Loose Parts, Playpods, and Adventure Playgrounds
Child-initiated, creative play is returning after decades of erosion. Through the hard work and dedicated efforts of play activists, new opportunities for play are arising, including the use of open-ended play materials in schools, parks, nature centers, and adventure playgrounds. Over 20 play initiatives are described in this book, with...
Purposeful Play – A Teacher’s Guide to Igniting Deep and Joyful Learning Across the Day
Play is serious business. Whether it’s reenacting a favorite book (comprehension and close reading), negotiating the rules for a game (speaking and listening), or collaborating over building blocks (college and career readiness and STEM), Kristi Mraz, Alison Porcelli, and Cheryl Tyler see every day how play helps students reach standards...
The Klutz Book of Inventions
The most successful inventions often begin with an impulse of ridiculous and brilliant ideas. This book encourages people of all ages to engage themselves in the innovation process, sparking the intellect with undeniable, inspirational valor. With nearly 200 pages of hysterical, action-packed photos of the creatively crafted inventions in use,...
Unplugged Play: No Batteries. No Plugs. Pure Fun
From the joy of smearing glue on paper to the screaming delight of a bubble-blowing relay, kids love to play. In fact, it's every kid's built-in tool for experiencing the world at large. A parent-friendly encyclopedia, UNPLUGGED PLAY offers hundreds and hundreds of battery-free, screen-free, chirp-and-beep-free games and fun variations...
The Backyard Play Revolution: How to Engage Kids in Simple, Inexpensive Outdoor Play and Increase Child Health and Motor/Sensory Development
In this eye opening, easy-to-follow, action-oriented book, Jason Runkel Sperling explains how to use screen-free, unstructured outdoor play and toys to increase early-age child learning opportunities and improve happiness for the whole family.You’ll learn:•How to encourage your child to enjoy active, outdoor, screen-free play •How to foster unstructured, child-led playtime...
The Art of Roughhousing: Good Old-Fashioned Horseplay and Why Every Kid Needs It
The Art of Roughhousing teaches parents how rough-and-tumble play can nurture close connections, solve behavior problems, boost confidence, and more. Drawing from gymnastics, martial arts, ballet, traditional sports, and even animal behavior, the authors present fifty illustrated activities for children and parents to enjoy together – everything from the “Sumo...
The ABC’s of Outdoor Play: A Book to Encourage Creative, Outdoor Play and Physical Activity in Young Children
Less screen time, more imaginative play! This children's book is meant to encourage young children to get outdoors and play, explore, learn and grow! It's a simple ABC style book with engaging illustrations. The back pages give families the opportunity to come up with their own ideas for creative outdoor...
Teach, Play, Learn!: How to Create a Purposeful Play-Driven Classroom
In Teach, Play, Learn! educator Adam Peterson shares his insights about the advantages of adopting play-based teaching in today’s schools. Complete with tons of activities that you can use right now, concrete examples, and a pedagogical toolkit, this book will help you transform classic toys and games—and even everyday objects—into...
Strategic Play: The Creative Facilitator’s Guide
Jacqueline Lloyd Smith and Denise Meyerson collectively have over 50 years’ global experience in the design and delivery of incredible learning experiences for clients in the private and public sectors. They have partnered with top tier, medium size, and small corporate clients to produce events that rock. They are now...
Serious Work: How to Facilitate Meetings & Workshops Using the Lego Serious Play Method
LEGO® Serious Play® is thriving. How is it that a child's toy, has become a serious strategy tool used by some of the worlds best known organisations? And what might be the relevance of this method in your work? LEGO® Serious Play® is the result of 15 years development. A...
Risk, Failure, Play: What Dance Reveals about Martial Arts Training
Risk, Failure, Play illuminates the many ways in which competitive martial arts differentiate themselves from violence. Presented from the perspective of a dancer and writer, this book takes readers through the politics of everyday life as experienced through training in a range of martial arts practices such as jeet kune...
Play: Ideas, Exercises, and Little Ways to Add More Fun to Every Day
"Do you remember the joy of recess? It was a magical time to explore, to dream, and to turn the world into your playground. Consider this book your recess! Filled with ideas, prompts, and fun-filled games, Play is an activity book for the childlike explorer inside you. It is an...
Mud Kitchen in a Day: How to Quickly Get Your Kids Outside, Playing in the Dirt, & Enjoying Creative Play
Looking for that perfect summer distraction to get the kids out into the backyard? Learn how to set up a simple and inexpensive children’s mud kitchen in a day, allowing your children or grandchildren endless hours of plain and dirty backyard fun. Follow one father’s entertaining and informative attempt to...
Big Body Play
"Big body play”―the sometimes rowdy, always very physical running, rolling, climbing, tagging, jumping, grabbing, and wrestling that most children love and many adults try to shut down―can and should be an integral part of every early childhood setting. Drawing from evidence-based practice and the latest research, this book explains the...
Plan for People Play – Building Early Social Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Difficulties
There are examples of how play can be supported both informally and formally, at home and in children's settings. As well as theory, there are relevant, practical approaches for play activities, and observations of playing children to help explain the processes. Key questions are asked at times to help those...