Making Sense Of Play: Supporting Children In Their Play

Author(s): Perry Else

Year Published: 2014

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9780340000000

Making Sense of Play straightforwardly describes how self-chosen, engaging and satisfying play is best for children. It explores how adults can best support children’s free play with an approach that is holistic, inclusive and practical and offers clear tools to highlight better ways of relating to and providing for playing children.
The book extends two key concepts developed by the author, the Integral Play Framework and the Play Cycle, showing how practitioners can implement these ideas on a day-to-day basis. The author makes clear how the Integral Play Framework works, how it helps makes sense of other models and how it can be used to help plan provision for playing children physically, socially, cognitively and culturally. Everyday practice with playing children is explored in line with introductory and extended understandings of the Play Cycle or ‘play process’. Accessibly written with a rich range of examples showing the concepts in practice, these models are further used to explore creativity, the ways in which children play, how provision might be improved and how the approaches can be used to research practice.

