
Author(s): Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Legendary psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s famous investigations of “optimal experience” have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. In this new edition of his groundbreaking classic work, Csikszentmihalyi (“the leading researcher into ‘flow states’” […]

Author(s): Marcia L. Nell, Walter F. Drew, Deborah E. Bush

From Play to Practice describes how and why play is important. The play workshop experiences for educators that are outlined in the book help teachers understand and promote play-based learning as part of developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Journal reflections of play participants, along with photos from play workshops, illustrate the power of […]

Author(s): Jane Waters, Trisha Maynard (Editors)

Outdoor play is a significant and essential aspect of a young child’s development and enjoys a renewed emphasis in early years practice, in keeping with the core principles embedded within the early years tradition. However, this emphasis may sit uneasily alongside a requirement to focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills and supporting […]

Author(s): Darcia Narvaez (ed.), Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Allan N. Schore (ed.), Tracy R. Gleason (ed.)

The field of cognitive psychology is in a state of empirical abundance, and experts now know more about mammalian brain function than ever before. In contrast, psychological problems such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression are on the rise, as are medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune disorders. Why, in this era of […]

Author(s): Barbara E. Hendrickson

This title was first published in 2001. Architects, landscape designers, builders, gardeners and teachers have all at some time been called upon to design a play area. However, this diversity of profession has not resulted in a diversity of design solution, as playgrounds appear to have remained virtually the same throughout the world since their […]

Author(s): Gaye Gronlund

Enhance the depth and richness of children’s play. Developmentally appropriate play is complex, long-lasting, and all-engaging for children. It requires facilitation and guidance, thoughtful planning, and attention to the environment and materials. Developmentally Appropriate Play follows the new Developmentally Appropriate Practice guidelines from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and includes information to […]

Author(s): Doris Bergen, Lena Lee, Cynthia DiCarlo, Gail Burnett

This practical resource explains brain development from prenatal to age 8 with suggestions for activities educators and caregivers can use to foster children’s cognitive growth. The authors begin with the basics of brain development, and the issues that affect it, and then provide information specific to infant, toddler, preschool, and kindergarten to primary age levels. […]

Author(s): Joseph Bharat Cornell

When absorbed in deep play our sensory awareness is heightened, we become immersed in the present moment and feel intensely alert and alive. Because play is fun and rewarding, we operate at the peak of our mental and physical capacity. Animals love to play. Crows will slide on their backs on a steep snowy slope, […]

Author(s): Rosanne Regan Hansel

Creative Block Play covers everything you need to encourage a child’s development in a variety of domains through block play. This book is full of photos that illustrate block play in real classrooms and stories from teachers who have successfully used block play to encourage children’s development in a variety of domains. Rosanne Regan Hansel […]

Author(s): Renee Dinnerstein

In her inspirational, well-researched book, Renee describes the kinds of learning opportunities that all parents want for their own children. Her accessible writing style makes it easy to envision the environment, teaching, and community she describes with such clarity you’ll want to get started on her ideas tomorrow.” -Jennifer Serravallo “How refreshing it is in […]

Author(s): Joe L. Frost, Barry L. Klein

Chapters include: The Nature of Play: Classical and Contemporary Theories of Play The Importance and Nurture of Play: Culture and Play; Imagination and Play; Language and Play; Sex Differences in Play; Play and Perceptual-Motor Development; Play and Play Objects; and Play and Playgrounds. The Playgrounds of America: Playground Hazards; The Traditional Playground; and Proceedings for […]

Author(s): Renee Dinnerstein

In Choice Time, Renée gives you everything you need to set up choice-time centers that promote inquiry-based, guided play in your classroom. Renée summarizes the research, describing the different kinds of play and why they are important. Then she dives into the nitty gritty, providing: blueprints for six proven choice-time centers, with variations a guide […]

Author(s): Mechtild Käufer

Dogs at play how it works! Almost all dogs love to play by themselves, with other dogs, people, objects and toys. But what do we really know about play? Is it possible that what looks like play is something else entirely? German author Mechtild Käufer presents findings from scores of researchers worldwide who study why […]

Author(s): Frances M. Carlson

“Big body play”―the sometimes rowdy, always very physical running, rolling, climbing, tagging, jumping, grabbing, and wrestling that most children love and many adults try to shut down―can and should be an integral part of every early childhood setting. Drawing from evidence-based practice and the latest research, this book explains the multitude of benefits of big […]

Author(s): Lenore Terr MD

A noted expert in the psychology of childhood proves that children can teach adults valuable lessons about freedom, creativity and the invigorating joy of just having fun.

Author(s): Penny Warner

A baby’s most rapid period of growth and development takes place during the first three years. That’s why child development expert Penny Warner offers 160 age-appropriate ideas for games and activities that will provide hours of developmental learning opportunities and rewards for babies. For each game and activity, Baby Play & Learn includes: A bulleted list of […]

Author(s): Angela J. Hanscom

In this important book, a pediatric occupational therapist and founder of TimberNook shows how outdoor play and unstructured freedom of movement are vital for children’s cognitive development and growth, and offers tons of fun, engaging ways to help ensure that kids grow into healthy, balanced, and resilient adults. Today’s kids have adopted sedentary lifestyles filled […]

Author(s): Marc Bekoff, John A. Byers

Why do animals play? Play has been described in animals as diverse as reptiles, birds and mammals, so what benefits does it provide and how did it evolve? Careful, quantitative studies of social, locomotor and object play behaviour are now beginning to answer these questions and to shed light on many other aspects of both […]

Author(s): Robert M. Fagen

A scholarly, well-written, and richly illustrated statement of play behavior in numerous animal species, including our own … Fagen reviews the existing literature for nearly 500 animal species through extensive references (1,895 by my count) that include offerings in a number of specialized disciplines, ranging from natural history to formal mathematical modeling. The result is […]

Author(s): Allan Shore

In 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking book, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, in which he integrated a large number of experimental and clinical studies from both the psychological and biological disciplines in order to construct an overarching model of social and emotional development. Since then he has expanded his regulation theory […]

Book Subjects
