NEW! Learn about the fastest growing educational alternative where the learning focus is on acquiring competencies through self-directed education within solid relationships. This book examines the nature of learning, teaching, motivation, stress, and the power of relationships, written by a child development specialist. It also reveals the insights from the Team of Thirty (TOT), which are 30 family friends that all unschooled and gained entrance to post-secondary education.
More and more parents are pulling kids out of school due to bullying, boring on-line courses and irrelevant, outdated curriculum delivered from a rigid government prescribed agenda. Until now, students were tied to their neighborhood school, government and country, based on their house address, however, with the Internet, today’s students are now border-less. Learning can occur anywhere, anytime, any method, any content, and from any expert, including self-taught.
Disengaged learners in our assembly-line model of school currently tune-out, act-out or drop-out. Education must change and unschooling is the fastest growing alternative method of learning.
Children today can get just as good education playing video games as going to school. Self-directing their education, students learn through play, volunteering, jobs, mentorship, projects, travel and even (gasp!) playing computer games. This book follows the path of 30 unschooled children who self-directed all or part of their education and were accepted and/or graduated universities, colleges and post-secondary schools.
What children need most is close relationships with adults such as parents, teachers, coaches, grandparents and siblings within a community, not just a school. Educational content is everywhere. Caring relationships are not. Many children are self-taught. When families choose unschooling, they no longer have to choose between a quality education and a relaxed family lifestyle. Now they can have both.