Why Play Works: Big Changes Start Small

Author(s): Jill Vialet

Year Published: 2021

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9781120000000

Why Play Works is aimed at educators, school administrators and parents, it provides a road map for schools and parents to create playful experiences through which students learn to navigate the demands of social connection. The book features sections on:
– Why Play: The importance of intentionally integrating play in day-to-day school operations-especially in this moment- because of its unique ability to mitigate the impacts of trauma and adverse childhood experiences.
– Intentionally Designing the School Day: Looking at how incorporating play into the space, scheduling and staffing contributes to putting students and educators at the center.
– Youth Leadership: Explore real examples of schools leveraging play to promote youth leadership and student agency.
– Virtual learning: How to infuse play into remote learning and create rituals that help students transition between and among different learning settings.
Why Play Works offers specific guidance around recess and outside activities along with a library of games. Supported by interviews with experts on play and school design, the book is a concrete guide for supporting the learning and well-being of our students by leveraging the power of play.

