Children’s Play

Author(s): Sulaymani, O., Fleer, M., Chapman, D.
NIFP Rating: 1

Even though studies of the accessibility of digital technologies in educational contexts have become progressively more extensive, understanding children’s motive for play or for learning is essential for identifying the way they relate to touch technology. This research paper seeks to understand the relation between the motive for play and the motive for learning when […]

Author(s): Tuttle, B.
NIFP Rating: 5

Primal emotional-affective expressive

Author(s): Walker, Susan P., Chang, Susan M., Vera-Hernandez, Marcos, Grantham-McGregor, Sally
NIFP Rating: 8

OBJECTIVE: An estimated 178 million children younger than 5 years in developing countries experience linear growth retardation and are unlikely to attain their developmental potential. We aimed to evaluate adult benefits from early childhood stimulation and/or nutritional supplementation in growth-retarded children. METHODS: In Kingston, Jamaica, 129 growth-retarded children aged 9 to 24 months took part […]

Author(s): Wilson, B.J., Ray, D.
NIFP Rating: 3

The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate differences among 36 elementary school age children who received 16 sessions of child-centered play therapy and 35 children who were assigned to a waitlist control group. Pre- and postassessments were used to measure children’s levels of aggression, self-regulation, and empathy per parent and teacher report. Results […]

Author(s): Tal, R., Tal, K., Green, O.
NIFP Rating: 3

Sexual abuse by a perpetrator outside of the family is the most prevalent form of child sexual abuse. It is associated with serious consequences for both the child and his family. Surprisingly, however, the issue of extra-familial sexual abuse has received very little research and clinical attention. The purpose of the current study was to […]

Author(s): Piccininni, C., Michaelson, V., Janssen, I., Pickett, W.
NIFP Rating: ?

Exposures to outdoor environments have great potential to be protective factors for the mental health of young people. In a national analysis of Canadian adolescents, we explored how such exposures, as well as self-perceptions of connectedness with nature, each related to the prevalence of recurrent psychosomatic symptoms. The data source for this cross-sectional study, consisting […]

Author(s): Rosenbaum, M., Gabrielsen, T.P.
NIFP Rating: 1

Background: Early intervention in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) improves outcomes, but treatment access depends on early identification. Despite reliability of most autism diagnoses by age 24 months, the majority of children with autism do not receive comprehensive evaluations until after age 36 months. Although many possible reasons exist for delayed evaluations, the referral decision process […]

Author(s): Jenny Louise Gibson, Megan Cornell, Tim Gill
NIFP Rating: 5

Loose parts play (LPP) interventions introduce moveable materials and equipment to children’s play spaces to facilitate unstructured, child-led play. Metaanalysis of previous school-based research has shown significant benefits of LPP for physical activity. In the current paper, we review the scope and quality of the quantitative evidence relating to cognitive, social and emotional outcomes. We conducted a systematic search […]

Author(s): C.J. Green
NIFP Rating: 7

Places assigned and places chosen have major implications for the lives of children. While the former are a result of children’s subordinate position in an adult world, the latter are the essence of their agency. Beginning at a young age children seek out places to claim as their own. Places, real and imaginary, shape children […]

Author(s): H. Helgesen
NIFP Rating: 5

As children in Norway increasingly spend time in online worlds, often identifying closely with their avatars, the potential for experiencing distress as a consequence of losing control of these digital selves has also increased. This article investigates the local notion of ‘hacking’ among a group of 8- and 9-year-old friends, and shows how users of […]

Author(s): F. Ihmeideh
NIFP Rating: 8

The study investigates parents’ perceptions of and engagement with their children’s play in the context of Qatar. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire that was administered to parents of children aged 4-7 years old in Doha. A total sample of 240 parents responded to the questionnaire. Findings indicated that Qatari parents valued the importance […]

Author(s): S.J. Erickson, S.W. Duvall, P.C. MacLean, J.S. Tonigan, R.K. Ohls, J.R. Lowe
NIFP Rating: 8

The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between child-mother interactive behaviors and cognition in preschoolers born preterm (<32 weeks gestation; n = 82) and full term (>37 weeks gestation; n = 53). Child-mother interactive behaviors were assessed during a videotaped free play session. Maternal education and neonatal medical factors were included as […]

Research Article Subjects
