Cross-Cultural Play

Author(s): Escalante, P.L.
NIFP Rating: 1

This article begins from the central assumption that history plays, because of the ways in which they combine cognitions and emotions, produce an understanding through high-impact means. Through the review of the most recent states of knowledge in the ield of history teaching, it is ascertained that the study of non-formal teaching environments and emotionality […]

Author(s): McRae, B., Nusem, I.
NIFP Rating: 1

Objective: Supracondylar humeral fractures are the most common elbow injury occurring in the paediatric population, accounting for 55-80% of all elbow fractures and 3-18% of all paediatric fractures. They occur most commonly due to a fall from play equipment or furniture. This study aims to determine if any relationship exists between supracondylar humeral fractures and […]

Author(s): Ando, E., Morisaki, N., Asakura, K., Sasaki, S., Fujiwara, T., Horikawa, R.
NIFP Rating: 1

Current guidelines provide a universal recommendation on vitamin D intake to prevent insufficiency. However, the relative influence of food, UVB and other factors on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) insufficiency has been poorly investigated in preschool children. We assessed serum 25(OH)D quantities and their association with vitamin D intake using a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire […]

Author(s): Ghanadzade, M., Waltz, M., Ragi, T.
NIFP Rating: 1

When designing and implementing evidence-based programs for children with an autism spectrum disorder, the intervention priorities of parents are important criteria. Although studies in developed countries have explored parents’ intervention priorities, there is a paucity of this kind of research in developing countries. This research explores the intervention priorities of 207 Iranian parents for their […]

Author(s): Avornyo, E.A., Baker, S.
NIFP Rating: 1

The purpose of this study was to examine Ghanaian stakeholders’ beliefs about the role and importance of play in early years (3 to 5†years) children’s learning, referred to as play-learning beliefs. A survey design was adopted in order to gather data necessary to examine the differences among stakeholders’ play-learning beliefs. A total of 292 participants […]

Author(s): Bates, E., Evers, K., Leewis, L., Zhou, J., Vasalou, A., Lalioti, V., Augustin, K.
NIFP Rating: 1

Dream Stones is a set of physical programmable robotic balls that facilitates new intercultural meanings for children. It weaves together the benefits of physical embodied play with tinkering in material making of technology that connects and transcends. The paper is contextualized in over 40 ideas from children around the world who facilitated our design thinking. […]

Author(s): Ma, L.P.
NIFP Rating: 1

AIM To investigate the epidemiological features of 60 cases of infantile anorexia in Keqiao district of Shaoxing, China. METHODS Sixty cases of infantile anorexia in Keqiao district of Shaoxing, China were included from June 2015 to October 2017 as a research group, and 60 cases of noninfantile anorexia in Keqiao district of Shaoxing were selected […]

Author(s): O’Sullivan, A.
NIFP Rating: 2

In Australia, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) invites educators in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services to view children as learners who are confident and involved (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009) while the National Quality Standard (NQS) contends that the “educational program and practice of educators are child-centred, […]

Author(s): van Vreden, M.
NIFP Rating: 8

Although early childhood caregivers in South African townships integrate singing into their teaching on a daily basis, they are often unaware of how to facilitate other musical interactions through movement, playing instruments or body percussion. The Bejazzled action research project was initiated to facilitate these interactions through collaborative teaching between a caregiver and a music […]

NIFP Rating: 2

Working from transcripts of Kawaiwete shamanic cures and myths, this paper looks at moments of referential play, situations in which animal terms are used to refer to humans and their physical states as well as moments when referential language is replaced by non-referential communication. As the Kawaiwete are a Tupian-speaking Brazilian indigenous people, their shamanic […]

Author(s): Hedges, H., Cooper, M.
NIFP Rating: 9

A commitment to long-standing child-centred ideologies and recent emphases on academic outcomes have both perpetuated narrow interpretations of play-based pedagogy in early childhood education. Instead, teachers might proactively and spontaneously deepen children’s thinking and understandings related to children’s own interests and motivations during thoughtful pedagogical interactions that arise from play. This paper draws on findings […]

Author(s): Snow, D., Bundy, A., Tranter, P., Wyver, S., Naughton, G., Ragen, J., Engelen, L.
NIFP Rating: 3

Based on research conducted as part of the Sydney Playground Project, this paper provides an exploratory investigation of the perspectives of girls relating to the ideal school playground experience, and whether their perspectives are influenced by a loose-parts playground intervention. The focus is on the play behaviours of 22 girls aged 8 to10 years, from […]

Author(s): Keys, E., Benzies, K.M., Kirk, V., Duffett-Leger, L.
NIFP Rating: 2

Background: One in four Canadian families struggle with infant sleep disturbances. The aim of this study is to evaluate Play2Sleep in families of infants with sleep disturbances. In addition to parental education on infant sleep, Play2Sleep uses examples from a video-recorded, structured play session with mothers and fathers separately to provide feedback on parent-infant interactions […]

Author(s): Tomkinson, G.R., Wong, S.H.S.
NIFP Rating: 1

Introduction to a supplemental issue (available through Open Access) of the Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness – Insufficient physical activity is a leading risk factor for global health… [it] increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers, while also shortening life expectancy. Globally, physical inactivity is estimated to cost […]

Author(s): Rius, J.B.I.
NIFP Rating: 4

The pedagogue Pere VergÈs is a symbol of the New School in Catalonia. His model, which was focused on the students’ interests, was aligned with the modernized school, in contrast with purely memorization-based education. It thus focused on autonomy and the child’s self-management of the entire learning process. The pedagogue found play useful in guiding […]

Author(s): Tian, X.
NIFP Rating: 7

Pastoralists in East Africa are well known for their abilities in effective livestock and natural resource management in the dynamic arid and semi-arid ecosystem in which they live. Their ethnobiological knowledge, manifest in their skills of managing livestock and natural resources, is generated from the daily experiences of individuals in different landscapes. Since the early […]

Author(s): Samanci, H., «eti?Nta?, H.B.
NIFP Rating: 2

There are many factors affecting the personal development throughout a person’s life. In particular, games and toys have an important place in childhood. The game is learning many things that the child can not learn through life by creating his/her own experiences. Toys are the driving force behind these experiences. The toy library is a […]

Author(s): Lim, N., Charlop, M.H.
NIFP Rating: 4

An alternating treatments design was used to assess the effects of the language of instruction (English vs. heritage language) on the play skills of four bilingually exposed children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Baseline consisted of 5-min free-play sessions conducted in English. Intervention consisted of two alternating conditions: 5-min play sessions conducted in English or […]

Author(s): Wade, S., Kidd, C.
NIFP Rating: 5

Certain social context features (e.g., maternal presence) are known to increase young children’s exploration, a key process by which they learn. Yet limited research investigates the role of social context, especially peer presence, in exploration across development. We investigate whether the effect of peer presence on exploration is mediated by age or cultural-specific experiences. We […]

Author(s): Santos S·nchez-Guzm·n, E., Mesas Escobar, E.C.
NIFP Rating: 2

The present article arises from the creative activities that in the last years we have been developing with people with Down syndrome and university students. We present a field study supported by a theoretical foundation, which has made it possible to create a space for people with different capacities to work with the same possibilities. […]

Research Article Subjects
