Cross-Cultural Play

Author(s): Shiakou, M.
NIFP Rating: 8

This research investigated the changes in after school time use in Cyprus within the last 50 years with particular interest to the time spent playing and studying. Time diaries, where collected from 401 adults and children (6-58 years), that used to be, or were at the time of data collection students in primary schools in […]

Author(s): Beery, T.H., Lekies, K.S.
NIFP Rating: 5

A need for a more specific understanding of childhood geographies has motivated an investigation of one activity, childhood collecting in nature. This study examined collecting behavior, places of collecting, and the relationship of these places to environmental connectedness in adulthood. Topophilia is presented as a guide to help consider why children collect in nature and […]

Author(s): Ciani, F., Dall’Olio, S., Stanyon, R., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 9

Differences in play behaviour often illuminate complex ecological parameters and social differences. In primate societies, including humans, individuals acquire information through play. It is adults in every community that are most committed to managing social practices. In tolerant species, adults often participate in play to reinforce social networks and cooperation. The 20 macaque species are […]

Author(s): Ocampo-Gonz·lez, A.A., Tovar-Cuevas, J.R., Arteaga-Diaz, G.
NIFP Rating: 3

This paper is aimed at investigating the effects of the intervention through coupled variant games on the creative skills of a group of children. Coupled variant games refers to a group of games selected that meet the characteristic of being preferred by a group of children and, in addition, they were amended by the coupling […]

Author(s): Hedenbro, M., Rydelius, P.-A.
NIFP Rating: 10

Aim: Studies of children’s early ability to communicate have mainly focused on mother-child dyads. That is why this study analysed the long-term effects of triadic interactions involving both parents. Method: This prospective pilot study monitored child-mother-father communication in 19 families from the general population in Sweden using the standardised Lausanne Trilogue Play method in a […]

Author(s): Roopnarine, J.L., Dede Yildirim, E.
NIFP Rating: 3

Links between parent-child play, book reading, and storytelling and use of objects and children’s early literacy skills were assessed in the developing Caribbean nations of Belize, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, and Suriname using the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4 and 5. The sample consisted of 10,976 preschool-aged children and their caregivers. Maternal engagement […]

Author(s): Nasir, M., Ahmed, M.J., Arshad, R.M., Ahmad, M.
NIFP Rating: 2

Objective: To determine the effects of pictures, story telling and coloring books in reducing anxiety in pediatric patients preoperatively as compared to pharmacologic interventions. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial study Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anaesthesia Nishtar Hospital, Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College Multan and Shahida […]

Author(s): Kent, C., Cordier, R., Joosten, A., Wilkes-Gillan, S., Bundy, A.
NIFP Rating: 3

Background/aim: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently demonstrate impaired play skills and poor quality social interactions compared to typically developing peers. Complex interventions to improve play skills should be investigated with randomised control trials (RCT) where possible to support evidence-based practice for occupational therapists. Prior to a RCT, multiple feasibility studies are recommended to […]

Author(s): Sun, P., Qu, Y., Wu, J., Yu, J., Liu, W., Zhao, H.
NIFP Rating: 3

Teachers are burdened by high work pressure, suggesting the need for an effective stress coping system to support them. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of coping strategies currently utilized by teachers and explored the potential contribution of group sandplay to coping. The study was led by a group of experienced therapists and sandplay practitioners. […]

Author(s): Isikoglu Erdogan, N., Johnson, J.E., Dong, P.I., Qiu, Z.
NIFP Rating: 7

Recently play environments and materials have changed with digital materials becoming increasingly available for young children. Parents’ preferences about the importance and appropriateness of digital play may influence the quality and the quantity of digital play opportunities children receive at home. The purpose of this research is to examine parents’ preferences and beliefs about their […]

Author(s): Syrj‰m‰ki, M., Pihlaja, P., Sajaniemi, N.
NIFP Rating: 5

This article focused on the pedagogy that enhances peer interaction in integrated special groups. In Finland, most children identified as having special educational needs (SEN) attend day-care in mainstream kindergarten groups; the rest are in integrated or segregated early childhood special education (ECSE) groups in public day-care centres [National Institute of Health and Welfare. 2013. […]

Author(s): Cheung, R.H.P.
NIFP Rating: 8

Hong Kong’s policy and curriculum guide advocates the development of creativity, and stresses the importance of child-centred and play-based practices in preschools. Effective pedagogical approaches for creativity reform should reflect a sociocultural perspective. This study aimed to compare the pedagogical effects of two teaching approaches, in a teacher-led, problem-solving activity. A case study research method […]

Author(s): Wicks, J.M., Cubillo, C., Moss, S.A., Skinner, T., Schumann, B.
NIFP Rating: 2

Few studies have explored mental health treatment programs for Aboriginal Australian children under the age of 12 years old. Isolated locations, coupled with therapy modalities that are not developmentally and culturally suitable for children who have experienced adversities, exacerbate the typical challenges in providing health services needed for optimum child development. Therapeutic services offered in […]

Author(s): Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Dean, C., Biehl, M.S., Mellman, A.
NIFP Rating: 8

Two studies were conducted in the US and Denmark to examine parents’ beliefs about the importance of play and nature experiences for early childhood development. Thirty parents in the US and 19 parents in Denmark completed semi-structured interviews with quantitative and qualitative elements. Although families in both contexts highly valued outdoor and nature experiences, parents […]

Author(s): PeÒa-Zabala, M., Cilleruelo, L., Aberasturi-Apraiz, E.
NIFP Rating: ?

The present research focuses on the need to develop evaluation tools according to the way of understanding the new educational paradigm and jointly respond to the specific needs of Art Education. In this respect, Lego Serious Play (LSP) method, in addition to its visual character, allows channeling experiences based on praxis and generating stories based […]

Author(s): Lin, X., Li, H.

Parental beliefs about play and learning are part of the “belief-context ” of early childhood development and can thus make a key difference for the child. Previous studies have focused on cross-cultural comparisons, and therefore have neglected intra-cultural variations. This study sampled 163 Chinese mothers with children aged two to four years old (M = […]

Author(s): Fouts, H.N., Neitzel, C.L., Bader, L.R.
NIFP Rating: 3

In small-scale societies children have great access to observing adult roles and this is often reflected in their play, however very few empirical studies of work-themed play have been conducted despite substantial implications that this type of play has for social learning. The current study describes the work-themed play patterns of 1 1/2- to 4-year-old […]

Author(s): Tajik, M., Singer, E.
NIFP Rating: 5

This paper discusses collaborative research between academics and practitioners to enhance the level of play engagement in nine groups of toddlers in The Netherlands. Researchers and pedagogic counsellors designed a structured experiment to test the effects of four pedagogical strategies: confronting the children with a rearranged activity corner; free play, with the teacher available at […]

Author(s): Pereira, V.S., Fern·ndez, J.E.R., Pereira, B., Condessa, I.
NIFP Rating: 4

This study sought to identify the games played and preferred by children during school recess in the so-called first cycle, breaking that information down by gender and school year. A questionnaire was applied in two basic education schools in northern Portugal. The sample included 317 students from the four years in that stage – 167 […]

Author(s): Aslan, O.M.
NIFP Rating: 3

The purpose of this research is to examine cultural difference in Turkish and American preschoolers’ play, aggression and victimization behaviours. The research has been performed in a nursery school affiliated to a university in one of the big cities of Turkey and in two nursery schools affiliated to a university in one of the Northern […]

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