Differences knowledge prevention and treatment of diarrhea with role play methods in school age children

Author(s): Islaeli, Nofitasari, A., Said, A., Pratiwi, D.S., Ruslan

Journal Title: Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development

NIFP Rating: 2

Maintaining children’s health was the responsibility of parents, but now public schools and health departments have contributed significantly to improving child health. Diarrhea is an endemic disease in Indonesia and is also a potential illness of outbreaks that is often accompanied by death. In the year 2015 occurred 18 times Outbreaks of Diarrhea spread in 11 provinces data Public health Office Konawe Selatan year 2015 number of diarrhea patients 200. year 2016 number of diarrhea patient 252, year 2017 january until march diarrhea number of patient 59, the purpose of this study is to know difference of knowledge about prevention and treatment of diarrhea before and after education by method of play role at elementary school age In Primary School (SD) 03 Basala. This type of Essay was pre experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this research was 56 people, random sampling technique technique of sampling, with 36 samples. The analysis method used Wilcoxon Sign Rank Statistics test The results showed that the knowledge of children before and after education with role play method occurs differently. It can be seen from the test value of knowledge statistics obtained ?: 0,000. Therefore the value of the data was ? <0.05 which shows a significant difference. Based on the results of research can be concluded that education by the method of role play gives different knowledge about prevention and treatment of diarrhea in school age children. © 2018, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved.

