Learning Through Play – Lego Foundation

Children already know play is their superpower. We’re here to convince the grown-ups

Children are born scientists and explorers
Watch children play and you’ll see them experiment, imagine, work together, and overcome emotional ups and downs. They’re stretching their minds as well as their muscles. They’re learning. And they’re picking up the skills to thrive today and flourish tomorrow – whatever tomorrow looks like.

It’s on us to fuel that thirst for learning
Children learn best through play. It’s an essential part of child development. But not every child gets the time and chance to play that they deserve.

We’re making learning through play a priority for every child. In fact, we’ve set our sights on reaching 75 million children a year by 2032.

It’s a huge ambition, calling for systemic change – not just quick wins. So, we’re working with all kinds of partners, including parents, teachers, caregivers, policymakers, academics, businesses, grassroots organisations, NGOs and governments, all over the world. Together, we’re opening the world’s eyes to the incredible potential in every child – when children are free to learn as they play.

