Play Behaviors–Other Mammals

Author(s): Norman, K., Pellis, S., Barrett, L., Peter Henzi, S.
NIFP Rating: 8

We used two sets of videotaped data of playing domestic dog dyads to determine whether rolling over during play served as a signal of submission or whether it was a combat maneuver adopted as part of an ongoing play sequence. Our results provide strong support for the latter. In the absence of any overt indication […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pasztor, T.J.
NIFP Rating: 2

play fighting in its most elaborate form involves nonagonistic wrestling between pairmates, where one partner grabs, holds, bites, or otherwise contacts the other. Such play occurs in the absence of the functional consequences associated with serious fighting (e.g., resource acquisition or protection). Typically, the biting, nosing, or grooming contact during play fighting is directed at […]

Author(s): Burghardt, G.M.
NIFP Rating: 4

First paragraph of commentary: Longstanding controversies on the function and evolution of play have been clarified and partially resolved in Peter Smith’s stimulating paper. My commentary will be limited to a few issues serviced from my own interests in bears and reptiles.

Author(s): Pasztor, T.J., Smith, L.K., MacDonald, N.K., Michener, G.R., Pellis, S.M.
NIFP Rating: 5

play fighting in many species of squirrels can involve sexual play and aggressive play, both of which can lead to wrestling which appears superficially similar. Such convergence can make scoring of the relative frequencies of these two types of play difficult and can lead to the mistaken conclusion that they grade into one another. In […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pellis, V.C., Dewsbury, D.A.
NIFP Rating: 2

play fighting in deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii, prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster, and montane voles, M. Montanus, was compared to that of laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus. Play in rats appears more complex for two reasons: 1) more of the playful contacts elicit defensive behaviors, and 2) more of these defenses lead to counterattacks, and hence, […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pasztor, T.J., Pellis, V.C., Dewsbury, D.A.
NIFP Rating: 3

The body targets contacted, the type of contact made, and the patterns of defense and counterattack elicited by those attacks are examined in the play fighting of captive male and female pairs of grasshopper mice. The nape was the most frequently contacted body target, irrespective of the type of contact made, be it nosing, allogrooming, […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M.
NIFP Rating: 6

play fighting appears to involve the behavior patterns of attack and defense otherwise seen in serious fighting. The degree of similarity, however, depends on the body targets attacked and defended during these forms of fighting. For many taxa, including diverse mammalian families and some birds, the same targets are attacked and defended during both play […]

Author(s): E. Palagi, I. Norscia, G. Spada
NIFP Rating: 7

Play signals are commonly used by animals to communicate their playful motivation and to limit the risk that rough acts are misunderstood by playmates. The relaxed open mouth is the most common facial expression performed during play in many mammals and represents the ritualized version of the movement anticipating a play bite. The signaling nature […]

Author(s): E. Palagi, G. Cordoni, E. Demuru, Marc Bekoff
NIFP Rating: 9

The concept of peace, with its corollary of behaviours, strategies and social implications, is commonly believed as a uniquely human feature. Through a comparative approach, we show how social play in animals may have paved the way for the emergence of peace. By playing fairly, human and nonhuman animals learn to manage their social dynamics […]

Author(s): E. Palagi, V. Nicotra, G. Cordoni
NIFP Rating: 7

Emotional contagion is a basic form of empathy that makes individuals able to experience others’ emotions. In human and non-human primates, emotional contagion can be linked to facial mimicry, an automatic and fast response (less than 1 s) in which individuals involuntary mimic others’ expressions. Here, we tested whether body (play bow, PBOW) and facial […]

Author(s): Gordon M. Burghardt, Julia D. Albright, Karen M. Davis
NIFP Rating: 6

Object play occurs in diverse animals in addition to birds and mammals. Although many carnivores engage in object play in a predatory context, many non-predators do so also. Conjectures over the years on the motivation to play are reviewed dealing with intrinsic, developmental, and stimulus factors. We then report on quantitative studies of the play […]

Author(s): G.M. Burghardt
NIFP Rating: 10

My initial response to the question posed to me is that the state of play, as a scientific field, is actually pretty healthy. By this I mean that psychologists, biologists, ethologists, neuros-cientists, educators, sociologists, and others are realizing that play is an important, if not critical, aspect of life and an exciting and diverse research field. The increased […]

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