Play Behaviors-Primates

Author(s): Palagi, E., Mancini, G.
NIFP Rating: 9

Play is extremely difficult to define and its benefits are not easily detectable. Due to its multifunctional nature, play represents a good opportunity to test some hypotheses on social, communicative, and cognitive aspects of animal and human behaviour. For this reason, comparative studies of social play can make contributions to a wide variety of fields […]

Author(s): Ciani, F., Dall’Olio, S., Stanyon, R., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 9

Differences in play behaviour often illuminate complex ecological parameters and social differences. In primate societies, including humans, individuals acquire information through play. It is adults in every community that are most committed to managing social practices. In tolerant species, adults often participate in play to reinforce social networks and cooperation. The 20 macaque species are […]

Author(s): Palagi, E., Norscia, I.
NIFP Rating: 4

Post-conflict third-party affiliation has been reported to have different functional meanings, one of them being consolation. Here, we tested the main hypotheses that have been put forth to explain the presence of this phenomenon at a functional level in the bonobo: Self-Protection Hypothesis, Victim-Protection Hypothesis, Relationship-Repair or Substitute for Reconciliation Hypothesis, and Consolation Hypothesis. By […]

Author(s): Norscia, I., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 6

Easy to recognize but not easy to define, animal play is a baffling behavior because it has no obvious immediate benefits for the performers. However, the absence of immediate advantages, if true, would leave adult play (costly but maintained by evolution, spanning lemurs to Homo sapiens) unexplained. Although a commonly held view maintains that play […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pellis, V.C., Reinhart, C.J., Thierry, B.
NIFP Rating: 4

Play signals are viewed as important means by which animals inform each other that bites, strikes, and throws that occur during play fighting are indeed playful rather than serious. One such signal is the open mouth play face that is common in primates and many other mammals. Unfortunately, as most play fighting involves biting, it […]

Author(s): Ottenheimer Carrier, L., Leca, J.-B., Pellis, S., Vasey, P.L.
NIFP Rating: 1

In certain populations, female Japanese macaques (. Macaca fuscata) mount both males and females. Vasey (2007) proposed that female-female sexual mounting in Japanese macaques may be a neutral evolutionary by-product of a purported adaptation, namely, female-male mounting. In this study, we aim to further examine the proposed link between female-male and female-female mounting in Japanese […]

Author(s): Pallante, V., Ferrari, P.F., Gamba, M., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 1

In several primate species, including humans, embracing predicts the level of affiliation between subjects. To explore the functional meaning of embracing, we selected Theropithecus gelada as a model species. The basic level of the gelada society is the 1-male unit, and the integrity of the group is maintained by the strong bonds between females. In […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Iwaniuk, A.N.
NIFP Rating: 6

Whether it is that animals are young so that they can play, or whether it is that they play because they are young, play should be more prevalent in species that have a greater degree of postnatal development. This hypothesis is tested by comparative analyses within two mammalian orders (primates and muroid rodents) using independent […]

Author(s): J. Panksepp
NIFP Rating: 9

1st paragraph of this short essay: In the beginning was the word…but was the word funny? Research suggests that the capacity for human laughter preceded the capacity for speech during evolution of the brain. Indeed, neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain (1), and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals […]

Author(s): Norscia, I., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 3

Lemurs share a common distant ancestor with humans. Following their own evolutionary pathway, lemurs provide the ideal model to shed light on the behavioural traits of primates including conflict management, communication strategies and society building and how these aspects of social living relate to those found in the anthropoid primates. Adopting a comparative approach throughout, […]

Author(s): Peter Smith
NIFP Rating: 0

In this paper I suggest that play is a distinctive behavioural category whose adaptive significance calls for explanation. Play primarily affords juveniles practice toward the exercise of later skills. Its benefits exceed its costs when sufficient practice would otherwise be unlikely or unsafe, as is particularly true with physical skills and socially competitive ones. Manipulative […]

Author(s): R¸th, U., Holch, A.
NIFP Rating: 0

Designing and equipping a play therapy room as a differentiated tool in a psychodynamic approach to child psychotherapy is seldom discussed. This article sketches out the equipment and furnishing of a play therapy room to be used for mentalization-based psychodynamic psychotherapy and gives examples of the use of such a room in practice. © 2018 […]

Author(s): Palagi, E., Dall’Olio, S., Demuru, E., Stanyon, R.
NIFP Rating: 8

Unsolicited third-party affiliation occurs when victims of aggression receive a spontaneous affinitive contact from a bystander. Consolation is a specific type of unsolicited third-party affiliation showing two key components: 1) it alleviates distress in the victims and 2) is preferentially directed towards friends. Consolation was thought to be present only in humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pellis, V.C.
NIFP Rating: 6

The play fighting of many mammals involves the nonserious use of behavior patterns derived from serious fighting. A major question of theoretical importance has been that of how, given this overlap in patterns of behavior, the animals can distinguish between playful and nonplayful intent. One proposed solution is that animals use play signals to inform […]

Author(s): Demuru, E., Ferrari, P.F., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: 6

Great apes show very complex systems for communicating emotions and intentions. Whereas gestures are intentional signals, facial expressions can disclose both emotions and intentions. The playful context is a good field to explore the possible dichotomy between intentionally and emotionally driven signals as it has been suggested that one of its functions is to learn […]

Author(s): Pellis, S.M., Pellis, V.C., Reinhart, C.J.
NIFP Rating: 7

Voric runs up to Victor from behind. As he runs past him, he grabs Victor by the tuft of hair on the crown of his head. Victor jerks his body back, bracing against being pulled forward; this brings Voric to a standstill facing Victor. After looking at each other for a moment, Victor turns his […]

Author(s): Pallante, V., Stanyon, R., Palagi, E.
NIFP Rating: ?

Peaceful third-party interventions usually occur after an aggressive encounter and can be directed toward the victim or the aggressor. Macaca tonkeana, a cercopithecine species characterized by high levels of tolerance, frequently engage in consolatory contacts, which both calm the victim and reduce the probability of further attacks against him/her. Other post-conflict affiliative interventions such as […]

Author(s): Palagi, E., Cordoni, G.
NIFP Rating: 9

Bonobos, compared to chimpanzees, are highly motivated to play as adults. Therefore, it is interesting to compare the two species at earlier developmental stages to determine how and when these differences arise. We measured and compared some play parameters between the two species including frequency, number of partners (solitary, dyadic, and polyadic play), session length, […]

Author(s): Palagi, E., Paoli, T., Tarli, S.B.
NIFP Rating: 8

Most theories on the function of play have focused on ultimate rather than proximate benefits. Play peaks during juvenility but, in some species, it is present in adulthood as well. In primates, social play and grooming often show a matched pattern because they bring individuals into close contact and favor social cohesion. In Pan, researchers […]

Author(s): Palagi, E., Paoli, T.
NIFP Rating: 6

The aim of this study was to thoroughly investigate social play and its modalities among adult bonobos. We evaluated how play intensity varies according to the sex-class combination of the playmates and we also performed an analysis on social locomotor-rotational movements (L-R play) and contact interactions (C play). Rough and gentle play sessions were performed […]

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