Zombies and ethical theories: Exploring transformational play as a framework for teaching with videogames

Author(s): de Sousa, F., Rasmussen, I., Pierroux, P.

Journal Title: Learning, Culture and Social Interaction

NIFP Rating: 2

Videogames are included among the wide array of digital resources available to teachers to foster student engagement and teach domain-specific content. In this study, we analyze how two teachers in two countries used the commercial videogame The Walking Deadô to teach ethical theories in upper secondary citizenship education. In both cases, students collaborated in playing the videogame, and teachers led whole-class and small-group discussions to relate the game narrative to the curriculum. However, the analysis identified two different instructional designs and dialogic approaches to integrating the videogame with other educational resources. Extending the concept of transformational play, the analysis showed how the respective teaching approaches supported student learning and engagement by facilitating different types of positioning work. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd

