
The science of emotions: Jaak Panksepp at TEDxRainier In this TED talk, Dr. Panksepp explains seven primal emotions that all mammals are capable of at birth, one of them is Play. He calls them ‘primal’ emotions because his work demonstrated that the neural circuits that create our experience of these emotions are wired in our […]


A conversation with Dr. Stuart Brown on his award-winning book “Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul” Q&A Moderated by Jeff Harry, Rediscover Your Play


NIFP 2008 Conference Video In 2008 the National Institute for Play convened the,“State of Play Science Summit” that brought many of the leading play scientists together at Stanford University for 2 days to share their research findings with each other. During the summit several of the scientists were interviewed on camera about their work; this […]


Playing For Keeps is a new documentary that examines the value of play through a health lens. Featuring high-performing individuals who prioritize play as essential to a happier life, we witness how play is a powerful antidote to stress. For more information, please visit


The Primal Power of Play “Play and depression may be opposite sides of a coin,” says Dr. Jaak Pansepp, a neuroscientist who has studied the neuroscience of play extensively. Read more about Dr. Panksepp’s in his profile and about Dr. Panksepp’s work here.
