Story Drama in the Special Needs Classroom: Step-by-Step Lesson Plans for Teaching through Dramatic Play

Author(s): Jessica Perich Carleton

Year Published: 2012

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9781849058599

Introducing drama to the learning experience is guaranteed to enrich a child’s development, and is an especially effective approach for children with special educational needs, including those with autism spectrum disorders. This practical handbook offers teachers an array of simple and easy-to-implement theatrical techniques that will enhance students’ learning and encourage artistic expression.
The author demonstrates how dramatic play doesn’t have to be restricted to drama lessons and can be applied to a diverse range of school subjects and recreational settings. ‘The Little Red Hen’, for example, covers themes that are relevant to literacy (rhyming and rhythm), maths (counting seeds), science (discussing farming), and art lessons (designing costumes). Step-by-step lesson plans take teachers through every aspect of running fun and engaging story dramas, including warm ups, movement, songs and props. Handy tips throughout suggest ideas for developing the plays further and ways to adapt them according to the needs of the group.
A comprehensive guide for anyone interested in drama as an educational tool in inclusive or special needs settings.
